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Our testimonies give glory to God and motivates others to have faith in Him, trusting for similar or even greater blessings

I am grateful to God for His mercy and kindness towards me, as well as for the regular prayer and fasting sessions held at the Grace Ladies Fellowship.

I vividly recall one particular session led by our convener, Mrs. Ayodeji Megbope, where she encouraged us to pray against becoming victims of other people’s mistakes and collateral damage. Since then, I have made it a daily practice to include these prayers with my family each morning.

Just a few days ago, while driving to work in the morning, my car was involved in a collision. The impact was significant, but I am thankful to God that I emerged from the incident unharmed, aside from experiencing a headache and some neck pain. The driver responsible for the accident took full responsibility for covering the cost of the damages. Furthermore, he reached out to check on my well-being, and during our conversation, we discovered that we both hail from the same hometown. It truly is a small world!

I extend my gratitude to God Almighty for honoring His promises in my life, and I am thankful for the gift of fellowship through the Grace Ladies Fellowship.

When I attended the maiden edition of the WhatNext Conference, 2019, the convener, Mrs. Ayodeji Megbope said something that there was voices she was always hearing, “A fool at forty is a fool forever” and the other voice, “Life begins at forty”. She decided to go for the latter. Look at how her life has changed for the better. With that singular decision, I owned it, I’m over forty, my life is just starting because I know and believe that my life is simply unfolding to express my reason for living.

19th of May was a Monday and I wake up late.It meant that my daughter was going to miss her bus to school.It also meant I would have to spend more money to get her to school.I didn’t have that kind of money to spare.I wàs beyond cranky.

A few days before this,I was speaking to God about coming through with provisions to stock the house with foodstuffs for the month.My husband had given me some money the week before but it was nothing compared to what we truly needed.

This further added to my crankiness and I was truly holding myself back from complaining.

I succeeded in dropping off my daughter and stood at the bustop waiting to get a bus to take me to my office.

Then I noticed a young girl with a mangled leg in a metal device.I recognized the metal device from reading about it,as a medical device for treating broken bones.I also knew from reading also, that it was an extremely painful process

Immediately,every crankiness in me was dispelled as compassion welled up in me for this girl.Whatever I thought I was going through can’t compare in the least bit to what this girl was going through.
Her mother was beside her,so I asked her permission to pray with her.She agreed.

Immediately I was done praying,I heard the holyspirit say to me to make transportation arrangements to take them down to the orthopedic hospital they were heading to.

At first, I resisted, because I truly didn’t have that kind of money to spare but I went ahead to book a bolt ride on my phone.It took a while for me to get a ride because of the traffic gridlock that day.But I kept at it.

Suddenly, I noticed that my account had been credited.I looked intently at the amount,N50,000.I was shocked because I was not expecting money from anyone.
Then, I noticed that I had received a message from someone.It was someone who had been owing me since 2021 that sent me this money!!!!

Tears welled up in my eyes.I was blown away at how God answered my prayers.

Few weeks ago,aunty Ayo had called for a prayer and fasting period,themed ‘quicken me o Lord”.In that prayer time,she kept harping it into our ears that it’s in the fulfilment of our assignment that God meets us at our point of need.

More than ever, I have since been living in the light of that consciousness.Asking God to quicken me to what he wants me to do per time.

God indeed can be trusted

My name is Yewande Folawole, and I made a promise to God that once He gave me a testimony about my current situation, I would share my story with everyone I meet.

So, this is my story.

In 2020, my journey of misery, confusion, and shattered dreams began.

I was so broken that I couldn’t even construct a sentence without bursting into tears.

I felt sorry for myself, but I couldn’t find a way to help myself. It was during the 90-day fast in the midst of the COVID period that I joined Grace Ladies official.

I reached a point where I realized that if I wanted to survive, something had to change.

So, I attended the What Next Conference, with the theme “Beauty for Ashes” seeking solace at His feet.

I am grateful that I took that step. I arrived with great expectations, longing for an encounter with God in the midst of my struggles.

During the conference, I heard testimonies that completely blew my mind.
I witnessed how God lifted women from the depths of despair to a place of grace.

Inspired and energized, I returned home.

I documented everything God had spoken to me about during the 90-day fast and the conference.

I prayed like never before, and miraculously, God answered.

From a directionless and almost self destructing person here I am , knowing exactly my purpose and my life

He has been standing by my side throughout three years of a failed marriage, losing everything, and the challenge of raising my son alone.

I know that God has so much more in store for me and I am waiting to hear Him teach me even as I remain faithful and consistent at The Grace Ladies Fellowship.

I sowed a seed of 100k towards the 2022 WhatNext Conference, (@ that time I was REALLY depressed ) .
Shortly before the Conference I got a call from my friend that she got a space in Shoprite for me and I needed a sum of 300k to put things right in the Mall while trying to get the money days later I got a bank alert of 350k from anonymous till today nobody called me for the money and that was how I got my place in the Mall and I sorted all I needed to do.All this happened via the WhatNext conference seed.

So this year I decided to sow double of the previous year, My Brother in law sent 100k to me for business so I sent it to Grace ladies acct for my WhatNext 2023 conference seed, Days later I got a call from my colleague (There is a company we have been trying to get to be one of their vendors) Congratulating me that we finally got a Purchase Order of goods worth 4.3million naira …we had not even started the Conference at that time and it’s been from one glorious level to another.

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